There's a line in one of my favorite songs by Sinking Ships that goes ".

My dad died in January of 2005, almost 13 years ago at the time of this writing, and while I still have pictures of him, it's getting more and more difficult for me to recall what his face looked like without them. The one thing that now stands out clearly in my mind from that night is the image of my dad smiling while playing, because it came rushing back to me full force as soon as I cracked open the review copy of Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition that was sent to me. I must have been about 12 years old the night we played an old Milton Bradley version of the game, and I've only ever been able to remember the tiniest fragments from that night.

My dad served in the Navy and then in the National Guard, and even though World War II ended before he was in the service, he had an absolute fascination with the war. Axis & Allies is one of the few board games that I remember playing with my dad when I was a kid.

Please forgive me as I ramble a bit before I go into the review proper for this game.